Could your team benefit from pets in the workplace? As you might have gathered from our previous posts, it's rare that we don't have a dog in the office here at Genilogic. The CRAMS team have several pooches that are around. Archie and Choppa, two of those very dogs Now whilst we know that
Safety Toolbox Talks: Working at Height
Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries. Falls from ladders and through fragile surfaces are the most common occurrences. "Work at height" means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause
Safety Toolbox Talks: Dangers of Excessive Noise at Work
Loud noise at work has the potential to damage your hearing. This normally happens gradually and it may only be when the damage caused by noise combines with hearing loss due to aging that people realise how impaired their hearing has become. Why is dealing with noise
Safety Toolbox Talks: Dangers of Radiation
Every day in the UK, a wide range of radiation types are used in industrial, medical, research and communications applications. Some of these cause harmful exposure risks that must be adequately controlled. This Toolbox Talk explains how to manage those
Safety Toolbox Talks: Worker’s Rights
All workers have the right to work in an environment where the risks to their health and safety are taken into consideration and properly controlled. Owing to the UK’s law, worker's rights are the responsibility of the employer. Employees have the right to refuse work they deem unsafe. Workers
Safety Toolbox Talks: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly referred to as CPR, is a potentially lifesaving technique. It involves artificial respiration and cardiac massage. Formal training is required in order to perform it correctly, always call 999 (or your respective emergency line) immediately when there is a
Safety Toolbox Talks: Preventing Violence at Work
People who deal directly with the public may face aggressive or violent behaviour. They may be sworn at, threatened or even attacked. This toolbox talk gives practical advice to help you find out if violence is a problem for your employees, and if it is, how to tackle it. The advice is aimed at
Safety Toolbox Talks: Bystander Safety
Work sites can be a danger to bystanders, including experienced workers who may be wearing the correct PPE. The general public will trust that activities that they encounter are being carried out safely. They will not understand the hazards and therefore will not be able to protect themselves in the
Safety Toolbox Talks: Work-Related Stress
Work-related stress is a serious issue, often considered a ‘silent’ illness. You may not even know if your employees are struggling, however the effects to them personally or on business productivity have the potential to be just as damaging as any risk covered in our Toolbox Talks series. The