A dynamic risk assessment is the ongoing process of continually assessing and reassessing the risks within a changing workplace, enabling you to identify and eliminate hazards as they present themselves. Dynamic risk assessments allow you to react to an ever-changing working environment,
Home Working Health and Safety Risks
On Monday (16 April 2020), the Prime Minister told us that those who can work from home, should. If you're a business owner in a fortunate enough position to be able to send your workforce home, then this short and simple guide is for you. You need to bear in mind that even if your staff are
Why SaaS is the only sustainable option for health and safety management
One staff member = one tree wasted, per year! The average office worker in the UK uses up to 45 pieces of paper a day, with approximately two-thirds of that paper being considered as waste (research completed by Kyocera). If that statistic doesn’t shock you enough, if that office person
How Many Steps Are There in a Risk Assessment?
There are five steps in a compliant risk assessment: Identify the hazards;Decide who may be harmed and how;Assess the risks and control them;Record the findings; andComplete reviews of the risk assessment. Identifying hazards is the first step of any risk assessment Regular competent
Inducting Staff the CRAMS Way
Human resource management One of the biggest challenges we hear our human resources contacts talk about is inductions. It seems that no matter who we speak to, nobody likes doing them. Introducing a new team member should be exciting, but it's hard to get excited about something that
13 Ways to Increase Business Productivity in 2019
Workplace productivity is vital to your business. Improving it can grow your business and increase its profitability. When we talk about workplace productivity we’re really talking about employee productivity. Your employees are your company’s backbone and therefore it’s your staff that your