In June, non-compliance cost the uk: Nine lives Nine injuries Silica dust exposure resulting in silicosis 64 months' imprisonment 600 hours of community service £6,925,408.33 in fines £1,441,303.03 in costs Will you be next? Company fined after worker falls from height A Swansea
Introducing CRAMS Network – Creating Collaborative Compliance
CRAMS, a health and safety software solution built by Genilogic Ltd, are delighted to announce an exciting new product to the market this June. CRAMS is an all-inclusive system which manages Risk Assessments, Method Statements, Training and Refreshers, Accident, Incident and Hazard Reporting,
May 2019 Court Report
In May, non-compliance cost the UK: Six lives16 injuriesWidespread asbestos exposure162 weeks' imprisonment530 hours of community service£3,201,939 in fines£1,550,603 in costs Will you be next? Self-employed plumber sentenced after conducting unregistered gas work An Essex-based plumber
Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment Tool
What is Display Screen Equipment (DSE)? DSE stands for Display Screen Equipment, this includes various electrical items that an employee may use such as laptops, personal computers (PCs), tablets, and smartphones. Use our DSE assessment tool From this, the Health and Safety (Display
Shortage Of Nurses Could Reach 10,000 By 2029
As National Emergency Service week begins, we wake to the harrowing news that 40,000 positions are currently unfilled for nurses, putting immense pressure on the nurses we do have, experts say. Nurses have their goodwill abused The figures mean that 1 in 9 posts are unfilled and our healthcare
The Cost of a Life
What is the cost of a human life? What is it worth to us? The cost to create a life? In the UK, the NHS lists the average cost of a round of IVF (a treatment for couples or women who are struggling to get pregnant) at £5000, this cost is often tripled by the fact that many women actually
April Court Report
In April non-compliance cost the UK: Two lives Numerous injuries 72 months' imprisonment 500 hours of community service £971,441.80 Will you be next? Company director sentenced for unregistered gas work A man in Milton Keynes completed two jobs whilst claiming to be gas safe registered,
Everything You Need to Know About SME Health & Safety Compliance
Introduction Every company should have a Health and Safety policy in place to protect their employees, customers and even members of the public, but just as importantly - their business! In the UK, if you are self-employed or employ four or less employees this does not have to be written down.
National Pet Day
Could your team benefit from pets in the workplace? As you might have gathered from our previous posts, it's rare that we don't have a dog in the office here at Genilogic. The CRAMS team have several pooches that are around. Archie and Choppa, two of those very dogs Now whilst we know that