There are very few employees who do not work with Display Screen Equipment (DSE) for at least some of their role. Employees are protected by DSE legislation as long as they use DSE for an hour or more for any of their work-related tasks. Many people think DSE use is low-risk and take it for granted
Toolbox Talks: Homeworking Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
Working from home is becoming more common as many companies realise that striking a work/life balance does not necessarily mean prolonged absence from duties. Giving employees the option to work from home not only enables different working times and patterns, it reduces costs on utilities, space
Safety Toolbox Talks: Working at Height
Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries. Falls from ladders and through fragile surfaces are the most common occurrences. "Work at height" means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause
Safety Toolbox Talks: Harmful Substances
Many materials or harmful substances used or created at work could damage your health. These substances could be dust, gases or fumes that you breathe in or liquids, gels or powders that come into contact with your eyes or skin. There could also be harmful micro-organisms present that can cause
Safety Toolbox Talks: Dangers of Excessive Noise at Work
Loud noise at work has the potential to damage your hearing. This normally happens gradually and it may only be when the damage caused by noise combines with hearing loss due to aging that people realise how impaired their hearing has become. Why is dealing with noise
Safety Toolbox Talks: Dangers of Radiation
Every day in the UK, a wide range of radiation types are used in industrial, medical, research and communications applications. Some of these cause harmful exposure risks that must be adequately controlled. This Toolbox Talk explains how to manage those
Safety Toolbox Talks: Fire Prevention
Fire prevention is the first step to protection. Most commonly, fires are always preventable when the correct controls are put into place. Workers require the correct SDS when handling flammable, combustible or explosive substances. They must also understand how to use a flame and what to do in the
Safety Toolbox Talks: Dangers at Work
Dangers at work are forever prevalent. Regardless of your industry there are always things for you to be on the look out for and be wary of. Why does safety matter? The workplace and work sites can be full of hazards and dangers due to machinery, harmful substances, or unaware
Safety Toolbox Talks: Identifying Hazards
Workplace hazards are everywhere. They can include: objects, substances, materials, energy, conditions of the site, and processes of the work. Identifying hazards that pertain to your work is incredibly important, as well as setting the suitable plans in motion to ensure the safety of you and those