Fire prevention is the first step to protection. Most commonly, fires are always preventable when the correct controls are put into place. Workers require the correct SDS when handling flammable, combustible or explosive substances. They must also understand how to use a flame and what to do in the
Safety Toolbox Talks: Dangers at Work
Dangers at work are forever prevalent. Regardless of your industry there are always things for you to be on the look out for and be wary of. Why does safety matter? The workplace and work sites can be full of hazards and dangers due to machinery, harmful substances, or unaware
Safety Toolbox Talks: Identifying Hazards
Workplace hazards are everywhere. They can include: objects, substances, materials, energy, conditions of the site, and processes of the work. Identifying hazards that pertain to your work is incredibly important, as well as setting the suitable plans in motion to ensure the safety of you and those
Safety Toolbox Talks: Fire Safety
Most fires are preventable. Those responsible for workplaces and other buildings to which the public have access can avoid them by taking responsibility for and adopting the right behaviors and procedures. General fire safety hazards Fires need three things to start – a source of
Safety Toolbox Talks: Worker’s Rights
All workers have the right to work in an environment where the risks to their health and safety are taken into consideration and properly controlled. Owing to the UK’s law, worker's rights are the responsibility of the employer. Employees have the right to refuse work they deem unsafe. Workers
Safety Toolbox Talks: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly referred to as CPR, is a potentially lifesaving technique. It involves artificial respiration and cardiac massage. Formal training is required in order to perform it correctly, always call 999 (or your respective emergency line) immediately when there is a