People who deal directly with the public may face aggressive or violent behaviour. They may be sworn at, threatened or even attacked. This toolbox talk gives practical advice to help you find out if violence is a problem for your employees, and if it is, how to tackle it. The advice is aimed at
Safety Toolbox Talks: Bystander Safety
Work sites can be a danger to bystanders, including experienced workers who may be wearing the correct PPE. The general public will trust that activities that they encounter are being carried out safely. They will not understand the hazards and therefore will not be able to protect themselves in the
Safety Toolbox Talks: Work-Related Stress
Work-related stress is a serious issue, often considered a ‘silent’ illness. You may not even know if your employees are struggling, however the effects to them personally or on business productivity have the potential to be just as damaging as any risk covered in our Toolbox Talks series. The
Safety Toolbox Talks: Emergency Response Procedures
Having a response procedure in place before an emergency occurs is essential, rather than responding after the fact when there's little to no time to react. The employer must have a written safety plan that's proportionate to the risk presented by the activity and the potential seriousness of the
Safety Toolbox Talks: Repetitive Strain Injury
Repetitive strain injury is general terminology used to describe the sensation of pain in muscles, tendons and nerves owing to repeated movements, vibrations or being in continually uncomfortable and awkward postures. It is rather common that these injuries are overlooked or just misunderstood as
Safety Toolbox Talks: Ergonomics
Ergonomics is defined as "the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment", in that the equipment that is used should fit the task and allow for a person to perform to a high standard. A common injury due to a lack of ergonomics is Carpel Tunnel Syndrome which results from prolonged