PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Employers have duties concerning the provision and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) at work. PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection,
CRAMS Safety Toolbox Talks: Ladder Safety
Ladder Safety Ladders are widely used throughout many industries, the most common incidents involve: loss of balance, poor ladder surroundings (poor upkeep of working site), incorrect setup, unsecured ladders, and poorly maintained ladders. Correct Setup and Usage The following steps can be
CRAMS Safety Toolbox Talks: Equipment Maintenance
Equipment Maintenance The proper maintenance of equipment is commonly overlooked in the workplace. This may continue because of the financial costs of maintaining equipment, excessive time in order to carry out such a task, untrained workers or simply because of a bad habit. However, ensuring that
CRAMS Safety Toolbox Talks: Vibration
VIBRATION Hand-arm vibration (HAV) can be caused by operating hand-held power tools, such as road breakers, and hand-guided equipment, such as powered lawnmowers, or by holding materials being processed by hand-fed machines, such as pedestal grinders. Occasional exposure is unlikely to cause ill