CRAMS, a health and safety software solution built by Genilogic Ltd, are delighted to announce an exciting new product to the market this June.
CRAMS is an all-inclusive system which manages Risk Assessments, Method Statements, Training and Refreshers, Accident, Incident and Hazard Reporting, COSHH Management and includes over 50 Accredited E-Learning Courses for all staff to use for a low-cost monthly fee.
“CRAMS is not the only cloud-based software solution on the market, however, it is the only one which we believe answers all the frustrations we felt personally in our sectors. “Every part of CRAMS integrates together in Real-time, which seems to be something that is really lacking from other solutions we have seen,” says Jo Thompson, Sales and Marketing Director.
As CRAMS celebrated a very successful first birthday in April, the team got their heads together for one of their regular innovation sessions. “Although CRAMS gets great feedback from nearly everyone we show it to”, said Tim Chadwick, Commercial Director, “we have received enquiries from larger businesses and felt that we could create a product that was a better fit for larger scale projects and collaborative working and so we explored how we could best serve their needs by making content more shareable whilst retaining document security and the inherently dynamic nature of CRAMS which our users value very highly.”
CRAMS Network uses the existing CRAMS framework but adds in extra functionality. Companies using CRAMS can connect their sites and selectively share information with another company. CRAMS Network is designed to be used by a Project Managers and participating companies or contractors or Health and Safety consultants with many companies to manage. All companies would take advantage of ‘normal’ CRAMS functionality, however, they can also selectively disseminate Risk Assessments, Policies, and share news, accidents, incidents, etc to its CRAMS Network. Each company chooses what information to share with each company within its Network, allowing them to use their site for their own company, but also allowing them to build up project or site-specific policies and documents to collaborate with. One of the most welcome features that CRAMS Network brings to the table is multi-user authorisation.
The approval function is not new to CRAMS, but Multi-User Authorisation is. In the standalone version of CRAMS, every policy or CRAMS (Comprehensive Risk Assessed Method Statement) must be approved by a Competent Person, in CRAMS Network, extra layers can be added, allowing these documents to require several steps of approval from different companies before a policy or CRAMS is distributed. With this added functionality, all the relevant managers on-site, regardless of their company, are aware of each other’s policies and procedures and have each approved them as being safe, giving them peace of mind that safe practice is being adhered to.

One of the key features of CRAMS, ‘Acknowledgements’, is particularly useful again in CRAMS Network. Policies and Risk Assessed Method Statements are sent to all staff who require sight of them before work commences. Once they have read the documents, they can either mark their understanding and acknowledgement with a checkbox or send a comment to the author and the relevant competent people to let them know they have an issue or query before continuing. This function allows for fully auditable compliance and encourages staff to engage with Health and Safety. This is particularly useful when those staff are onsite somewhere and may not have a face to face opportunity to engage with the team or person in charge of Health and Safety on a particular project.
Accidents, Incidents or Hazards logged on a site which is being managed by a number of Networked companies is sent to all the relevant people on the project. It can also allow companies check the competency and course completions of contractors or other companies before allowing them to commence works and use Hazard logs for intelligent accident prevention.
CRAMS offers anywhere, anytime access to its users, allowing projects to be undertaken globally without losing sight of the compliance or accountability.
Justin Jones, Director of Development, responsible of the build of CRAMS Network, says “Building CRAMS Network has been a great experience, we have been pleased with how quickly the pieces fell into place, we have had our first few beta clients running collaboratively and the feedback has been incredible, we can’t wait to see CRAMS Network gain momentum the way CRAMS has, we can really see the way this product could change the way projects are managed and create a safer workforce with fewer accidents.”
CRAMS Network launched to market on the 3rd of June 2019 (previously known as Hub & Link) and the first Network client is currently in deployment, with the Links scheduled to follow shortly after. “It is great to have our first signup so quickly, the inquiry actually came through the normal channels but when we spoke with them we just knew CRAMS Network was perfect for them, it was like it was meant to be. It’s been a really exciting journey” concluded Jo Thompson.
Genilogic are launching CRAMS Network as part of National Safety Month to try to promote safer workplaces for all, they have also released various free resources including a MAC (Manual Handling Chart) Assessment Tool, a DSE (Display Screen Equipment) Assessment Tool, and an Ultimate Guide to SME Compliance – all of which can be found on the CRAMS website.
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