With over 30 years’ experience, Boro Roofing have a reputation for delivering high-quality roof repair and installation services at affordable price.
Boro Roofing is a long-established, family-run business offering a full range of roofing services across Scarborough and the Yorkshire coast. They pride themselves on providing their customers with affordable, high-quality and reliable services, from repairs to the installation of new roofs.
Boro’s operatives are fully trained and have gained the latest industry qualifications, and the company is a trade member of the National Federation of Roofing Contractors Limited (NFRC).
Managing H&S in a high risk industry
The team at Boro Roofing are highly trained but are nonetheless exposed to many hazards on a daily basis. Just a few of these include:
- working at heights;
- asbestos;
- falling objects; and
- slips, trips and falls.
Drowning in paperwork
Boro have always recognised their duty to fulfill their health and safety obligations, previously having done so using a manual paper-based system. However, managing H&S without technology poses many challenges. Staying on top of all the paperwork, keeping all documents up-to-date, ensuring staff had acknowledged documents pertinent to their roles and tracking training course completion was a herculean task for their competent person, Neil Atkinson.
We were fully aware of how to manage our health and safety obligations the old-fashioned way, but we had no idea that there was a better way. We were using a manual system and our competent person felt like they were drowning in paperwork.
Neil Atkinson
How CRAMS has helped
Organisations may be reluctant to switch to an online health and safety system due to concerns around how much time it will take to get the new software up and running. For some businesses, this alone can be enough to persuade them to stick to the status quo, continuing along the path of manual risk assessments and filing cabinets full of signed paper copies.
This was a concern at Boro Roofing but they were soon reassured as the friendly and experienced team at CRAMS took care of the setup of their new CRAMS site, helping them through the process step-by-step. From the initial data collection and customisation of the interface with Boro’s company colours and branding – through to training their CRAMS Champions and the uploading of previously paper-based documents, Neil Atkinson at Boro Roofing said he was blown away by how helpful the CRAMS team were.
The team at CRAMS could not have been more helpful over this transition period. Nothing was too much trouble and they were dedicated to ensuring we had the system customised to suit our needs. We did worry initially about how time and labour intensive it would be to switch to the online system, but we needn’t have been concerned. The outcome has exceeded our expectations and we are now the proud owners of a professional looking CRAMS site, branded with our company information and all the features we need to remain fully compliant.
Neil Atkinson
CRAMS helps Boro keep on top of the paperwork
Compared to their old paper-based system, Boro report that their health and safety tasks are taking them less than half the time to fulfill. They’re also benefiting from peace of mind, knowing with just a glance at their CRAMS dashboard that everything is as it should be. These time and cost savings free up resources so that the Boro team can go the extra mile for their customers, ensuring they provide the best and safest service possible.
Training for industry compliance and competence
One of the reasons Boro were drawn to CRAMS was access to integrated e-learning. To enjoy continued membership of industry organisations such as CHAS (Contractor Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) and NFRC (National Federation of Roofing Contractors), Boro must be able to demonstrate that their staff have completed the core training requirements and the associated refresher courses on time.
CRAMS features more than 60 CPD and RoSPA accredited courses as standard, along with the ability to track and manage external courses. This has allowed Boro to ensure their staff have the highest level of competency and has resulted in a huge cost saving compared to outsourcing their training requirements.
Growing the Boro team couldn’t be simpler
When a new member joins the team, they no longer have the headache of getting them up to speed with systems and processes. It takes just a few clicks to create a profile within CRAMS assign a role to the new starter. This then notifies them of all the documentation they need to read and acknowledge, any training courses they need to complete and ensures that their induction runs as smoothly as possible. Company policies, risk assessments, training and incident reporting are all accessed from a single easy-to-use interface.
Staff working across Yorkshire – as one team
The Boro Roofing team comprises team members working right across the Yorkshire coast, including in Scarborough, Bridlington, Driffield, Pickering and York. On any given day, this hardworking team can be spread across a 40-mile radius. With the manual paper-based system they were previously using, the creation and acknowledgement of new documentation meant a lot of extra work and miles travelled for team members.
Since introducing CRAMS, the team have been able to access their health and safety management system from any location.
Having the CRAMS system up and running has really helped to get all team members more empowered and involved in the health and safety obligations of the wider company. This is no doubt down to the simplicity of the CRAMS interface and the quick and easy nature of updating and acknowledging documents, but also the fact that staff can submit their own proposals on improvements to existing documents as soon as something arises. This has helped keep all team members engaged in our recent move to managing our health and safety obligations on CRAMS.
Neil Atkinson