Established, award winning aparthotel company with staff working across 10 locations throughout the UK, with three more sites currently in development.
Roomzzz is an accommodation business with a twist. Instead of offering simple hotel rooms or complex standalone apartments, Roomzzz provides the best of both worlds with blocks of aparthotel rooms. Each room is laid out to give the feeling of a ‘home from home’, whilst benefiting from the convenience of typical hotel services and amenities.
Currently, Roomzzz offer their aparthotel rooms across 10 sites, with three other sites currently being developed.
Managing health and safety over 10 sites
With 10 locations throughout the UK, gathering, distributing and auditing health and safety data was difficult using their existing, largely paper-based system.
Multi-disciplined, multi-lingual workforce
Prior to the introduction of CRAMS, the tracking of new starter inductions and refresher training was close to a full-time job for an employee at Roomzzz. In addition, there were costs associated with the delivery of this training, and in an industry with high staff turnover these costs can quickly escalate.
Roomzzz were also struggling to find people able to translate their documents into all the languages necessary to ensure the safety of their multilingual team.
Training costs
Their use of a paper-based system meant that it was costly and time consuming to ensure all new starters received the appropriate information. Auditing the delivery of documentation and training across all 10 sites was proving extremely difficult.
We had all of the correct content and policies in place but we were finding it impossible to track and chase engagement across sites. This caused inconsistencies that made us feel concerned about compliance but more importantly, the health and safety of our guests and employees.
Abhijit David
Implementation Manager
How CRAMS has helped
Implementing CRAMS has improved health and safety awareness and culture at Roomzzz, creating consistency across their 10 sites and improving the auditability of the organisation as a whole.
Management found that once CRAMS was introduced, they began receiving feedback from staff members regarding the content of the CRAMS documents, demonstrating that they’d read the documentation and were engaged with it – something they’d not experienced previously.
Staff are more aware of the policies, H&S and risk assessments. We’ve had some very interesting conversations with our teams over the last month about the content, and had to face fairly large amount of challenges. This is great as it means that staff actually read the content.
Abhijit David
Implementation Manager
Roomzzz feel safer having CRAMS in place as it offers them peace of mind that they are running their operations compliantly and safely.
Better communication
CRAMS’s reporting functions empower staff to report events as they happen. The relevant people are then notified and are able to take action to mitigate any future risk. Accidents are grouped and trends highlighted to support the Competent People at Roomzzz as they work to prevent incidents.
Efficiency and greater consistency
As Roomzzz adds new users to the system and select their occupations, it automatically assigns all the policies, CRAMS and e-learning courses relevant to their position. If their role is a little more varied, the user can have a secondary occupation or even be added to additional documents manually – ideal if the staff member is being upskilled, perhaps as a reward or in preparation for a promotion.
Audit trail
Rather than drowning in cabinets full of paperwork, Roomzzz are now able to benefit from automated audit trails and system logging, all stored securely in the cloud. This makes it much easier for them to track staff competency and the acknowledgement of new or reissued documentation.
After managers at Roomzzz had used CRAMS for three months, they were asked:
- Has the introduction of CRAMS helped you to create/foster a health and safety culture at your property?
- Has CRAMS improved your and/or your team’s productivity with regards managing health andsafety?
- Does the use of CRAMS help you ensure your operation is compliant with health and safety regulations and Roomzzz’s policies/mandates?
- Does CRAMS – with its documentation, review process and available training – make your operation safer?
They were also asked what they’d miss most if they no longer had access to CRAMS…
- Having all documents in one place.
- Having a paperless system.
- Having access to e-learning.
- Accident and incident reporting functions.
- Risk assessments.
- Easy access to H&S information.
- Having a central database.
- Being able to audit acknowledgements.