Dangers at work are forever prevalent. Regardless of your industry there are always things for you to be on the look out for and be wary of.
Why does safety matter?
The workplace and work sites can be full of hazards and dangers due to machinery, harmful substances, or unaware employees. Additionally, there is a high rate of illness and the potential for unreported work-related injuries. Fortunately, injuries and accidents resulting from work are preventable with the correct procedure and precautions.
How to reduce danger in the workplace
It should be a priority in the workplace to ensure that site safety is instinctive. Large parts of site safety will come down to common sense and general awareness for employees, however, an employee who is exhausted and rushing to finish their quota may completely remove any safety from their mind in order to finish at a faster pace.
The following safety rules should be implemented across all sites. Employees should, ideally, incorporate these rules and attempt to make them instinctive in their working routine:
- Understand the health and safety risks for any materials or tools that are being handled before beginning to utilise them.
- Learn how to react and act in emergency circumstances.
- Check for damage with any equipment or tools before being used.
- Tools and/or materials should not be left around the work site, they should be stored in the correct manner.
- Understanding the limits of yourself, overexertion can easily lead to injury. Safe lifting practices should be deployed and avoidance of being in sustained poor or awkward postures.
- When working with electrical circuits, grounding should be employed.
- Regardless of the monotony and exhaustive nature of a task, one should attempt to remain vigilant and aware. Breaks should be taken when necessary to avoid lapses in judgement and concentration.
Visit the HSE’s website for useful information on dangers at work, whatever your industry.